Approved Five Year Lamwo District Development Plan III FY 2020/21 - 2024/25

Monday, June 1, 2020

Lamwo District Local Government adapted the Vision Statement of; “A transformed, modernized and prosperous community in Lamwo District within 30 years”; Mission Statement of; “To effectively and equitably deliver coordinated quality services to the community in Lamwo District, focusing on the national priority areas”; and Theme of: “Sustainable Development for inclusive progress, and productivity in Lamwo District”. The Goal of this DDP III is “To increase average household incomes and wellbeing of the people in Lamwo District”. The Core Value for the district include: Team Work, Transparency and Accountability, Excellence, Accountability,  and Impartiality and Intergrity

Lamwo District has adopted all the fiveNDP III Strategic Objectives into the DDP III which meet the purpose of accelerating growth of the district economy/development, transforming the lives of the people and strengthening the district’s regional and national competitiveness. The five objectives are: Enhance value addition in key growth opportunities; Strengthen the private sector capacity to drive growth and create jobs; Consolidate and increase the stock and quality of productive infrastructure; Enhance the productivity and social wellbeing of the population; and Strengthen the role of the state in guiding and facilitating development.

These strategic objectives will provide the framework for streamlining and directing district development, private sector, civil society and development partners’ investments towards: Increased agricultural production/productivity and agro-processing, mineral benefits and mineral-led industrialization, digitalisation, and labour-intensive light manufacturing; Coordinated infrastructure investments in energy, roads,industrial parks, and mechanized irrigation schemes to support increased production/productivity for export expansion and the production of goods that are otherwise imported; Increased generation of more skilled, better motivated and healthier workforce for all sectors of the economy, but particularly for industrial sector as well as a modernized agricultural sector; Strengthened private sector that is able to drive growth and investment in collaboration with the district.

In the next five years of the DDP III, the key priority areas of the district will include among others construction of classrooms, staff houses, OPD, roads and water,  job creation through commercial farming, value addition for increased household incomes, investing in tourism potential for key potentials sites like Lacic hill of the former Padibe Ogwok Chiefdom, Agoro, Chobe hot springs in Palabek Ogili,, Lipan community hunting ground, and Corner Ogwech, identification of new revenue sources, operationalization of property tax and rates, widening the district tax base, support supervision and technical backup, as well as  support to community initiated income generating projects with due consideration to the marginalized groups like the Youths, Women, Persons with disabilities, refugees and the older persons.

The key unfunded priorities in the district include: Teachers’ house construction in Potwach, Agoro and Padibe Girls Primary Schools, Classroom construction in the refugee settlement/Host Community, Fencing primary schools all the schools, Drainable Latrine stances construction both Host schools and Refugee Settlement, Furniture procurement for all the Schools, Laboratory construction at Lokung SS and Agoro Seed School, School constructions in Padibe West, Palabek kal, Palabek Gem and Lamwo Town Council, Fencing of Padibe Girls Comprehensive Secondary schools, Construction of Office Blocks at the District Headquarters, Major Repair of OPD roof Ngomoromo HCII, Constructtion of Administration block at Madi Opei HC IV, Staff House block at Katum HCIII, Procurement of Departmental Vehicles and Laptops for all the departments.

Implementation of this five-year Lamwo DDP III will cost approximatelyUgandan Shillings 347,065,849,000 of which, 93.7% is expected from Central Government, 0.4 % from local revenue and 5.9 % from donors. The major source of the funds included Central Government Grants of; Programme Conditional Government Transfers; Discretionary Government Transfers; and Other Government Transfers. Some revenues are also expected from External Financing and Locally Raised Revenues. About 45 percent of the revenue shall be earmarked for infrastructural development including;  drilling and rehabilitation of boreholes to ensure access to safe and clean water for all the community in Lamwo District; upgrading, maintenance and rehabilitation of Urban Roads and Community Access Roads (CARs) that can be used by all categories of people in the community in Lamwo District.


Lamwo district will utilize Central Government releases including sector and special grants to implement this DDP III as a main source of funding including external financing. Local revenue mobilization will be another main source of financing and mobilizing adequate domestic revenue to finance DDP III priorities. Donor resources and CSO budgets will be mainstreamed into the Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs) and district budgets especially on-budget support by UNHCR and UNICEF. The District will also prioritize increased use of Public Private Partnership arrangements and acquisition of loans directly or indirectly through sectors where necessary to finance this plan. All district partners will align their priorities and funding to this District Development plan III. The DDPIII financing strategies clearly reflects how the district will relate with the Annual Work plan and Annual Budgets of Central Governments, as well as budgets of other key development partners.


To facilitate alignment with the NDP monitoring and evaluation framework, Lamwo district will adopt the same monitoring and evaluation matrix as that of NDPs. Each department implementing the DDPIII plan activities will complete a monitoring and evaluation matrix for the activities under its dominion. The matrix will be the primary guide for operationalizing the DDPIII M&E strategy in Appendix. Beyond production of M&E reports, it is critical that all stakeholders in the Lamwo DDPIII process are adequately informed about the content of these reports. In this case, an effective communication strategy will facilitate the transmission of monitoring and evaluation findings and recommendations to the respective centres where actions can be taken to address the issues that will be raised.


Like any other hard to reach district, Lamwo District is faced with a number of challenges including: low staffing level and limited wage bill; inadequate access to basic social services; poor road infrastructure; limited resource envelop; youth unemployment; environmental degradation; low agricultural production and productivity, refugee influx and its associated cost; unfavorable climatic conditions and flooding. For effective and efficient Service Delivery, Lamwo DLG intends to address the highlighted concerns through this DDP III which focuses on Inclusive Growth, Employment, and Wealth Creation through effective utilisation of the allocated funds during the Five Financial Years 2020/21 – 2024/25.